Kooky Things Women Do When Their Period Is Late

3/27/2017 08:50:00 am

Hello guys,

Today's post is a little different, just a little funny idea that popped into my head a few days ago. I hope you enjoy it!

PS: Laugh!

  • Pray: You immediately drop down to your knees and say several prayers, maybe even throw in a confession and proceed to vow to never do it again. 👀
  • Feel your tummy: You may put your hand on your tummy and heck you might even feel a kick! 😫
  • Wonder if he would make a good daddy: You start imaging this grown man who can barely manage to throw his dirty trunks in the laundry basket as a daddy, does he even want to be a dad? These are the sort of questions that usually lead to you staging some strange test that your poor unsuspecting partner is sure to fail. 😖
  • Stare at every baby you see: You look deep into their eyes and hoping that if they stare back maybe they can tell you if there is a baby inside of you.  😬😐

  • Jump up and down: This is probably the one time you really want your period to come, you may find yourself jumping up and down, in hopes of speeding up the process. 😑
  • Research your birth control: Your birth control method has proven its reliability but you're going to double check anyway, you know, just in case. You might even go as far as calling the manufacturer. I mean better safe than sorry right? 😟
  • "No wonder I've been a little thick lately.": If you are pregnant there is no way you'd start to see any sign of weight gain yet but you still feel justified in your third piece of KFC because any weight gain is just from the pregnancy. 😋 #winning 

I hope you guys enjoyed this post! 

Anything you want to see? Leave a comment down below. 


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  1. Em's thanks for this, it was brilliant! #ROFL



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