Bloggers Chat Circuit | Episode 4
4/06/2017 11:24:00 am
Hello, world!
On today's episode we get to know Ndapewoshali, who loves to write, discover what motivates her to keep writing.
1. Hi, Thank you for taking the time for this interview on my blog, can you tell my readers about yourself and your blog?
For some people, especially those with vivid imaginations, it is difficult to express themselves conventionally. There’s simply too much to say, too many ways in which to describe a single item, too many colours, too many sounds. For those people, there is poetry. I am one of those people. My name is Ndapewoshali Ndahafa Ashipala. I was born, raised and I live in Africa. I’m an art lover (in all its forms), I’m a hopeless romantic and I believe in making the world a better place; one thought, one word and one action at a time.
My blog is a combination of articles written for and published in local Namibian Newspapers, poetry, life tips and hacks and a few odd thoughts (based on my experiences) that I hope will assist my readers to search to want more, search for more and be more. I’m a strong advocate for the maximisation of human potential and the pursuit to the best possible quality of life.
2. What inspired you to start your blog?
I would write and have my writing (depending on the subject matter and the target audience) on different platforms. For example; I’d send letters to The Namibian Newspaper that dealt with social and national issues. On the other hand, I’d post my poetry on my Instagram [@ndapewoshali_] and Facebook [Ndapewoshali Ndahafa Ashipala] pages. As time, progressed, people kept asking me for a link to my blog… I didn’t think I needed one. However, my friend kept encouraging me to start a blog so that I can have all of my work in one place. Eventually (about a year ago), I finally did it.
3. How do you manage time to run your blog efficiently?
I usually get bursts of energy to write. When I do, I write a lot. So, I usually produce a lot of subject matter at one time and then nothing at all for up to a few months. So, instead of posting everything at once, I post each item (be it a poem, letter or thoughts) periodically so that there is a constant flow of new material on my site.
4. How do you motivate yourself to keep the blog up and running?
Life motivates me really. I have a lot of strong opinions, I have a lot of passions, I have had a lot of extremely both negative and positive experiences so I never run out of things to say or share; sometimes I’m just stuck as to how to say them.
5. What do you think is the best service a blogger can provide to his readers?
Growth. I think that every time a reader reads a piece of your work, they should take something from it that improves the quality of their life. Regardless of the nature of your blog, it should inspire growth and change. Perhaps you have a food blog; your reader should learn some cooking tips or know where to or not to eat etc. For a blog like mine, I hope to, if nothing else, encourage a change in thought process and challenging the norms (whether those set by ourselves or by society).
6. Who takes the majority of your photos?
Myself. I do use some photos off the internet when I feel like they speak to the subject matter of the article, poem etc.
7. What would you say that is the greatest satisfaction of being a blogger in Namibia?
The interaction with people. I love receiving feedback and I love how people send me their work to read and critique. I’ve had a lot of good debates from my readers (both people I know personally and otherwise) and I’ve found that writing down my thoughts encourages people to tell me theirs. The discussions and mutual edification are the greatest causes of satisfaction.
8. What is your best advice for other bloggers?
Write. Whatever you are passionate about, write about it. I think often, we feel like no one would be interested in what we have to say but I have come across so many people who say “You took the words right out of my mouth” or “I have been thinking this and I just didn’t know how to put it in words”. So, write.
9. Please tell my readers where they can see more from you and your blog?
My blog has a combination of everything I write. It’s called “Ndapewoshali Writes” and the link to it is: - My poetry and random thoughts are on my Instagram [@ndapewoshali_] and Facebook [Ndapewoshali Ndahafa Ashipala] pages.