😄 Hello World, Hello Monday! 😄
Some years back, I read this very inspirational self-help book titled Your Erroneous Zones by Dr. Wayne Dryer , better known as 'the Father of Motivation'. He talked about erroneous zones and how we can practice different ways to combat them and live better more fulfilling lives.
A message that really hit home for me was when he spoke about love, and how when you love someone that you shouldn't be expressing/ feeling that love for the other person with hopes that it will be reciprocated. But to change the way you think about love altogether and realize that you are doing it for yourself. He taught me that love doesn't have to make you feel like you are crippled with anxiety but that it should be a freeing, growth-filled experience for both parties. That when you love someone, you cannot be out to change them, accept them wholly for what and who they are. You choose to love that person because it makes you feel good.
The book also emphasizes the power of taking control of your thoughts and how that, in turn, controls your emotions and how you feel. It teaches you the importance of staying present in order to gain control over your thoughts/ emotions. This trickles into loving yourself and consciously letting go of what other people's expectations of you might be because when you are seeking approval you only end up doing what others want or nothing at all.
He equips you with the tools to be more assertive and shares that being vocal with your opinions and thoughts does not need to be a negative thing. It does not make you a bad person or a judgemental one if you don't agree with what everyone else is doing and voice that out. He also stresses that we let go of any erroneous past behaviours we might be holding on to, ever find yourself saying "I'm not good at [fill in the blank]", stop saying that because it keeps you stuck right there, not being good at ABC; instead become solution focused and you will discover that you are way more talented/skilled than you thought. Often times, we just get in our own way.
He has a whole chapter dedicated to guilt and worrying; and how the two simply steal from your present moments. This is life changing stuff people! You cannot control what is yet to happen and you cannot change what has already happened. Accept these two facts and you're already living better!
A few other topics he touches on are: how procrastination comes from fear, he talks about declaring your independence and reiterates just how and why anger can be destructive.
I didn't want this to be a lengthy post, but hey! Read the book for yourself and thank me later!
Happy Mondaying!
A few of Dr. Dryers other quotes on: #worldstoliveby
“Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is, rather than as you think it should be.” – Wayne Dyer
“Remind yourself that you cannot fail at being yourself.” – Wayne Dyer
“What other people think of me is none of my business. One of the highest places you can get to is being independent of the good opinions of other people.” – Wayne Dyer
“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” – Wayne Dyer