Running Late

2/14/2017 08:19:00 am

Let's face it, no one is immune to experiencing the occasional late day. These are sometimes caused by snoozing your alarm one too many times or because you just didn't bother to plan your outfit for the day before passing out. 🙈🙉🙊

We've all been there, here are some of my tricks to beat the time:

  1. Plan your outfit for the next day, (or at least just vaguely think about an element you want to incorporate!) 
  2. Get to bed at a decent hour, every night is not going to be an 8 hr night; sometimes those 2hrs will just have to get you through the day 😝
  3. Set an alarm 5 minutes before you have to be out the house, you'd be amazed what you can get done in 5 m i n u t e s . . .  (you're welcome!) 
  4. Have a 5-minute face beat nailed! 
  5. If all else fails, have a really good excuse prepared 😁 you know cat ate your homework type things! 
haha Happy Valentines Day! 

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